A severe Swine Flu Pandemic is no joke. A bad outbreak could cause more deaths than the sum of all wars.
Most of the world thinks that the H1N1 flu swine flu outbreak is over. People are not getting their swine flu shots. They think flu/swine is more mild than the normal flu. Recent facts from the CDC and the California Department of Health prove that the swine flu vaccine is safe.
The problem is people have their mind somewhere else. Instead of on the deadly germ that could create hell for all of us. I am aware that times are tough. However, they can get a whole lot worse. All that needs to happen is the H1N1 Flu swine flu starts to act like Mom. Mom is the 1918 Spanish flu. That flu outbreak was the worst in history. It killed up to fifty to one hundred million people. The Spanish flu is the mother of all the later pandemics since she was here in 1918. However, our Swine flu looks more like her than all the others.
Watch out, our H1N1 flu Swine flu is like mom in many ways. Go to my blog at http://www.flustop.blogspot.com and read some of my blogs. You will see the danger coming around the corner. It could turn out to be a huge problem.
I suggest that people start to prepare ASAP. If our outbreak becomes as deadly as mom’s, there will be a huge lack of supply. The whole world will try to get the same survival supplies.
Understanding H1N1 flu swine flu is easy when you prepare now. Think about it. What are you going to do if there is no water or food for weeks at a time? You'll think that the bad times now are like a vacation in a tropical resort.
I think you should prepare on paper first. It is like what generals call WAR GAMES. The general’s fights pretend wars against other nations to prepare.
I think people all over the world will know that the H1N1 flu swine flu is more deadly about the same time. This means there will be a rush for the things that you need.
In the game of tennis, coaches will tell you to place your racket in the right place to strike before the ball arrives. They do this so you will be ready not trying to get ready at the last minute.
Imagine things get bad quickly. You would try to think what to do while in a state of SHOCK. You do not know what to buy. You have not done your homework. Millions of people will beat you to the punch. By the time, you figure out what to do most of the items that you want will be GONE.
If you are not going to prepare now, you should at least prepare as much as possible. You can do this by hitting ten targets now. Or you can put everything on paper. Then when it is obvious that you need supplies, you can go right to what you need.
Imagine ten people in separate rooms waiting to press a button. Who do you think would win? Would it be a person in a chair watching TV 5 feet from the button, or a person hovering over the button ready to act? The one in the right position would win every time.
Buy items on the top ten lists to prepare for a more severe flu outbreak. You have two options. You can wait until it is obvious that the pandemic is much more severe. In that case, at that time, I suggest you drop all other things and focus only on getting the things you need. Then work your plan as fast as you can. However, if you do the smart thing and start preparing now here is the order
Buy the following supplies or know where to get them and what they cost. See the list below:
1. 55-Gallon water containers
2. Long-lasting survival food
3. Prescription drugs
4. Buy safety equipment like mask, gloves, disinfection wipes, et cetera
5. HEPA filter air purification unit for your isolation room
6. Regular food
7. Medical Kit
8. A generator
9. Entertainment
10. Non-lethal weapons for protection
Purchase the high demand items first that will be hard to get as each day goes by.
If you wait, you are taking a big risk. You may not find the products you want and at the price, you want. On the other hand, you might not find them at all at any price. However, preparing by writing it down is better than not preparing at all. The next big question is how much time are you going to invest in your plan? Remember you are the one who will have to face your love ones, look them in the eye, and say I had a chance to do something but I did not.
Recent H1N1 Flu Swine Flu news:
Thirteen people died of the swine flu in the past two weeks in Michigan. That adds up to about one person a day. This is a much higher death rate than before. Before, there were only two deaths in the last 48 days ending on Jan. 19. This adds up to about a person dying once every three and a half weeks. This could be the sign that the third flu/swine wave is here. Also, it signals a much higher death rate. There has also been an increase in deaths in Mexico. We do not know how bad this could get.
There is no excuse for not planning on paper now. It could cost you very little time and maybe save lives and tons of misery. Understanding the H1N1 flu Swine flu is easy and quick. Get a free 165 pages interactive and multimedia E-Book manual. Call 719-237-1167 to get your free guide.
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