The flu/swine is mutating as I write these lines. There is a change in the receptor domain of the swine flu at position D225G. This change was also in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. It was the worst flu outbreak of all times.
It looks like the third wave of the H1N1 flu swine flu could be more severe/deadly. It would be wise for people with diabetes to plan for the worst. If you have diabetes/flu, you have larger risk. The swine flu could trigger pneumonia in 24 hours. And you could have more severe or deadly problems. People who do not have diabetes could also catch pneumonia due to the swine flu. However, people with diabetes have a higher risk.
The CDC thinks that people with diabetes should get both flu shots. That would include the normal flu shot plus the swine flu shot. Also, because the flu/swine could cause pneumonia, you should get that shot too. These shots could save your life.
Recent reports from the CDC and the California Heath Department prove the swine flu vaccine is safe. Plus, you can get both flu shots at the same time. See some of my blogs at http://www.flustop.blogspot.com. Read some of my post to see the good news.
The swine flu shots will guard you against the H1N1 flu. However, the D225G strain in Russia/Ukraine shows a low reactor to the vaccine. This means that it will probably not work against the D225G strain. The new strain will most likely be less than 5% of the swine flu germ. This means that the swine flu shot should guard you against up to 95% of the germ. The best thing we all can do is to avoid catching the D225G/N strain. It has near a 100% death rate.
People with diabetes/flu should call their doctors or go to an emergency room fast. If they show any of the signs below:
1. If you have a hard time breathing, that is a key risk sign. Some strains of the flu/swine now spread deep in the lungs. It restricts airflow. If your doctor uses an antiviral drug within 48 hours, after symptoms appear, you have the best chance of healing.
2. You feel drowsy/sleepy or cannot think sharply.
3. You lose five plus pounds in a short time
4. You have moderate or large amounts of ketones in your urine.
5. You having bad diarrhea
6. You feel too sick to eat or unable to hold down food
7. Your temperature is above 101 degrees F for more than three days
8. If your blood glucose is lower than 60 mg/dl or remains over 300 mg/dl over 6 hours
9. If you are dehydrated (abnormally thirsty)
People with Diabetes should work HARD to Avoid the Swine Flu!
If you have diabetes, you should avoid the swine flu like Superman avoids kryptonite. You have a higher chance of severe/fatal problems if you catch the normal/flu/swine. Most facts you get from other sources are too broad. Those facts do not give enough detail to stop the small germ. See the examples below:
1. Avoid large crowds
2. Wash your hands often
3. Avoid touching your face
4. Stay away from people sick with the flu
In general, this is good advice. However, if you follow this advice word for word, you would have a good chance of catching the flu/swine. Why do I say this? Because, the germ is very small you cannot see, feel, hear or smell it when it is right next to you. It is not like trying to keep a cockroach from crawling under your door. It is only 80 to 120 billionths of a meter in diameter. When the moisture from the droplets dries, it leaves behind thousands of germs. These germs can float through the air and contaminate surfaces. It travels a 150 feet per second. If you are in its path within 3 feet, you have a good chance to catch the germ. When the germ falls from the air, it contaminates surfaces for up to a few days. You can catch it by touching that surface.
Of course, you can avoid crowds no problem. However, what does it mean to wash your hands frequently? Does that mean to wash your hands 10, 50 or 100 times a day? Think about how many germs are around your fingernails in the crevices. If you do not clean that area correctly, you increase your chances of catching the flu. Also, you need to check for sores and cuts on your hands. They provide easy access for the germ into your body. And there is more. When should you wash your hands, for how long, etc? Believe it or not, there is an art to washing your hands to protect/get rid of germs. The general rules say to avoid touching your face. Are you K-I-D-D-I-N-G me? This is a deeply ingrained human habit. You cannot break this one unless you do major habit breaking drills.
I used to teach karate. I know how to teach people how to break bad habits and create good new habits. It is simple. Repetition is the quickest and easy way to learn anything. You most learn by doing with positive/negative feedback daily. Also, to have the highest chance of success, you need all the details.
These details affect hundreds of decisions you need to make daily. You will not remember the little things that you need to do daily. Unless you practice daily for 21 days in a row the stuff, you need to do. Then you should learn a habitual response. This will by design cause you to react correctly. Great fighters learn to react to their opponent with the right response. If you do not practice enough, you will revert to your old habit. Humans forget 80% of what they have read in 24 hours.
Parents with Children that have Diabetes should work HARD to Avoid the Swine Flu!
Children under five catch the normal/flu/swine at a higher rate. Their immune systems have not seen flu often. The ones that are under 2 years’ old immune systems are still developing. Therefore, they are more at risk to the germ. Children under two with diabetes have a greater chance of severe/fatal problems due to the reasons above.
It is important that they do not catch the virus from other family members. Someone else in the family may have a mild response to the flu/swine. However, the small child with diabetes could have severe/deadly problems to the same strain.
If your child has the swine flu and you see these WARNING signs, call a doctor/or get emergency room help ASAP.
1. Fever lasting more than three days
2. Difficulty in breathing or fast breathing
3. Gray or bluish skin
4. Dehydration
5. Not interacting or difficulty waking up
6. There flu symptoms get better but return later with a worse cough and fever
7. Severe or constant vomiting
8. They do not want you to hold them or they are bad-tempered
People who have diabetes need to avoid catching the H1N1 flu swine flu. Get a free 165 pages interactive/multimedia how people with diabetes can avoid the swine flu manual. Call 719-237-1167 for your free manual today!
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