The best way to stop the flu before it starts is to get your flu/ (swine flu) shots. Get the normal/swine flu/pneumonia shots ASAP. If you knew what I know, it would be a no-brainer. The flu shot for the seasonal flu that is not spreading much now is safe. Get this shot, why not it works to a high degree. You are better off safe than sorry. Get the swine flu shot because it is safe. Click here and read this post to see how safe it is.
Pneumonia is a common problem that the flu/ (swine flu) may trigger. It can cause death in many cases.
I know that a lot of you are afraid of the H1N1 shot. However, believe me for most people it will stop a flu before it starts more times than not. Some of you think that the H1N1 flu shot is more dangerous than the virus.
The H1N1 Flu is not the SAME as it was at the START.
It has and is mutating constantly. The changes in the germ are appearing and evolving to a more dangerous state. This common pattern occurred in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. That flu outbreak was the worst in history. It killed up to 50/100 million people.
The Flu Vaccine is losing its POTENCY as the flu OUTBREAK EVOLVES!
There are recent reports that the flu/ (swine flu vaccine does not work as well as it did before in some severe cases. These cases are in the US/Europe. The flu shot most times will prevent you from catching the germ or reduce severe problems. This is because the sick person has seen the germ before and this will cause immunity. However, the germ is moving away from how it looked at the start. A large % of the people may still be safe from the swine flu. However, many others may catch the new strains.
The D225G is a problem. It was present in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Its presence here is another link to the 1918 Spanish flu. Read this post to see other links to the 1918 flu. At the start of the H1N1 outbreak, the D225G strain was in small numbers. Even then, it was a link to severe/deadly cases. Now its numbers are growing due to natural selection. At its peak, I think it will be less than 5% of the swine flu pie. That means that the flu will be mild for most people.
The D225G/N strain is near 100% lethal. It also has a low reactor to our swine flu shot. Tamiflu our main antiviral drug does not work well on it. Doctors must use Relenza to fight it. We cannot produce Relenza worldwide as fast. This could cause a worldwide shortage for antiviral drugs. Therefore, this could make big problems for those in hospitals who have the H1N1 mutant strains.
Other strains of the swine flu that stops the antiviral drugs from working are the H274Y/D222E strains. Look for these mutant strains in the future.
As the swine flu evolves, our immune system does not attack germs that it has not seen before. Everything in the human body has a form that the immune system knows about. If the germ changes its form enough, the immune system will not recognize it. This could cause the body to catch the virus again. The first flu wave is so strong because our system had not seen the swine flu before. Once we see enough of a germ by catching it/flu shot, the wave will end. A new wave will start when we cannot see the germ due to its mutations.
When the germ comes back, it will have many more facts about us. It will know how to spread in our bodies more easily. It could adapt to us so that it can reach its peak with what its genetics will allow. The question is how strong those genetics are. I would guess that we would know soon. A severe flu wave could do a lot of harm in a short time. The 1918 Spanish flu killed most of the people in a few short months in the fall of 1918.
The next flu wave that may come soon in the northern/southern part of the world will tell us a lot. I think the odds are VERY HIGH that it will be much more severe than the first two waves. Then swine flu could disappear again and come back with a milder form of the germ. After that, it could turn to a seasonal flu strain.
This will not happen in real life. You need a sledgehammer to break that rock. You need the right tools to stop the flu before it starts. Let us be realistic. You are going to forget 80% of this article in 24 hours. That is how much most people will learn after reading written facts. The longer you wait the more facts you forget.
Time is one of the first things we must account for. Because most people think, the pandemic is over. They will not be prepared. Therefore, you will need to learn fast! Time will be of the essence. One of the biggest problems will be fighting that person we see in the mirror. Everyone will have health safety issues that must change. Or else, you likely could catch the germ.
You need to know what to do to avoid catching the flu. I mean the fine details. Some experts will tell you to do the following:
1. Wash your hands often
2. Stay away from sick people
3. Do not touch your face with your bare hands
4. If you get sick, stay at home
If you really want to stop the flu before it starts, realize the details above are a JOKE. It will take much more detail than this to BEAT MOTHER NATURE.
You need to know MANY details FAST. You cannot look at a book before making daily flu decisions. It is simple, either you know what to do or you do not. You make bad choices and guess what could probably happen.
Practice Makes Perfect.
You need to repeat key stop flu techniques daily. You must drill like a star performer. Humans forget 80% of what they read in 24 hours. Studies show that humans remember the following:
1. 20% of what they see
2. 40% of what they see/hear
3. 70% of what they see/hear/do
A study by the Institute of Defense found people could learn up to 25% faster this way over reading only.
You need detail to stop a virus that you cannot see, feel, hear, or smell. The germ is very small.
Studies say you need 21 days to break/form a habit. You must drill daily for 21 days to create a habitual response. Then you must keep doing it once in a while to keep the habit. (Use it or lose it.) If you study daily, it is EASY. It could save your life or someone close to you.
All friends/family must learn these facts. Especially if you have people at high-risk in your group/family you need this more than ever.
Do not take shortcuts. You will not be able to learn what you need to know without work. It will take much more effort than just reading a few written words. You must commit to changing your habits, period. This will not be easy, unless you have the right tools to do it.
1. Recombinomics
2. H5N1
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