Ending the Cold vs. Flu before, it starts means you must Change Your HABITS!
Knowing what to do and doing what you are supposed to do are two different things! Especially when you must break a deeply ingrained habit, first to do what you are supposed to do. For example, if you know not to shake hands, try not doing that with a close friend you have not seen in a while. People, will get insulted when you turn them down. However, if you are ready you can do something else that will work. During a bad flu wave, people will soon understand that shaking hands is a no no. therefore; you should have a list of good safety hygiene habits to replace the bad habits you have. Bad hygiene habits will expose you to the germ. Most people trying to end the cold vs. flu before it begins do not understand this.
They think because you can score 100% correct answers on a test that tells you what you should do, that you will actually break those habits that you may have been doing your entire life. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, YOU ARE STILL GOING TO DO WHAT YOU NORMALLY DO EVERYDAY!
Changing Habits to End the Flu vs. cold:
Habits are things you do without thinking. You do not know when a habit will cause you to do the wrong things. That is the problem. You could catch the germ doing things you knew were wrong. Your habits will not go away unless you do specific things to end them.
Let us say your habit caused you to accept a ride with a group of friends. Once inside the car you realized it was full of people coughing. Bang, this could be the ultimate mistake! YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN! However, quickly you come to your senses and make an excuse to get out of the car (ASAP).
Great Performers like dancers, musicians, athletes, etc. understand what it takes to learn and break habits. I used to be a very good karate fighter in the Chuck Norris stable of fighters. This was after his fighting days and before his acting days. He was a seven-time world karate champion. Many of his fighters were the best in the country. I learned how to teach very good fighters with the methods that he taught. Some of those concepts are in my free 165 pages interactive and multimedia How to end the flu vs. cold before it starts manual.
In karate, you learn to respond the way you want even under great stress. You will do this by repeating it daily. This concept is not new. In fact, thousands of years ago, Aristotle said. "WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO. EXCELLENCE THEN, IS NOT AN ACT, BUT A HABIT." When we know a bad flu season is coming, the key is to learn these key habits as quickly as possible. Learn what you need to know to end your bad habits and create good hygiene habits.
Once you start the program, soon you will not have to think about what you need to do as much. Your habit will do the heavy lifting for you. You do not want to have to think about what to do. A habit works automatically. Many people will have a race against time. It takes about 21 days to change deeply ingrained habits. You do not want to create these habits once the flu is here infecting millions of people. A good example is not touching your face with your hands. Yes, you should not touch your face with your hands. Because the germ could finds its way to your ears, mouth, eyes, and nose where it could get easy access. Do you know how many people scratch their heads with their nails? Those scratches could allow easy access. However, if you have a system that handles that habit and you practice it every day, you can break the bad habit. Wow, you can do what you intend to do because you will do it daily.
You should not shake anyone’s hands during a severe swine flu wave. If you did not know this, you know it now. Hands are like sponges they pick up many germs. That is why we all must wash our hands frequently. Try not to shake hands with people for a week. Even though you know you are not suppose to do it. Because it a deeply ingrained habit you will not be able to resist. You could learn a substitute habit to replace it.
Things you could do to help you break/create habits.
1. Write down the date you will be able to score 100% on your test. This includes daily scenarios as well as the way you act during the day. You should be able to respond the way you want to respond by this date. The date should be at least 21 days from the time you start.
2. Write down why you need to master this. Many people cannot break habits due to lack of motivation. If you got into trouble in the Air Force, they used to say, “Send that guy to motivation” which meant jail. Obviously, you do not want to catch a deadly flu. However, be exact, why do you not want to catch the flu. For example, I do not want to catch the flu because; my daughter who has asthma might catch it from me. I know that she could have severe/fatal problems if she catches the flu. A mild flu to me may be severe to someone else in the family. We all must control our habits for the sake of everyone else.
3. Do your flu habit training in the same place and at the same time if possible. This will get you on a routine.
4. Maintain a positive attitude. Sometimes at the start, you will feel like you are not improving. Think to yourself, “as long as I am trying as hard as I can, that is enough to have a good day”. Life is funny sometimes; you can have 5 days in a row where it may seem like you are not improving. However, on the sixth day you could improve greatly. The key is to try as hard as you can and you will be fine. When people ask me how I am doing, I always say I am doing great/good. Because, the way I look at it over the last 30 days most times things are going in the right direction. I do not let one bad day or a few bad days bother me. I average the last 30 days and come up with overwhelming success in what I am trying to do. Therefore, I always have a good day.
5. Reward yourself with little things. When you achieve things that are important, treat yourself. While in college, my business law instructor used to say all work and no play makes______ a sad person. I never forgot that. Therefore, whenever, I reach a minor goal, I reward myself a little. For example, I love going to the movies, or maybe something nice to eat, or buying a book that I want to read.
6. The world is full of negative people who want to bring you down! Do not let anyone poison your thoughts with negative talk.
7. Talk to yourself. When I was growing up people would say,” If you talk to yourself, you are probably crazy.” I beg to differ. Just do not talk too loud and answer your own questions aloud. It is important to motivate yourself. Everyone talks to themselves. When you talk to yourself, do so with a positive voice. For example, say things similar to I was able to do a few things that I wanted to do. Although I am not yet where I want to be, I will improve. I washed my hands they way I should have. Do not talk to yourself in the negative. For example, do not say I was stupid today. I could not get anything right. I was in a hurry. Make sure you seek out the good things to rally around.
Flu pandemic history shows that many worldwide outbreaks start slow. However, later they become more deadly. Watch this blog http://flustop.blogspot.com to stay informed about important flu issues.
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