Watch Children VS Cold VS Flu Symptoms closely, the Next H1N1 could be more of a Challenge!
Children are special because.
1. They are a chip off the old block
2. When you look at them, you see yourself
3. They share your same great mind/body traits
4. They will grow up to be like you or better
5. They ask too many questions but that is good. You cannot solve problems without questions.
6. Protect them and you protect yourself/legacy
It looks like your job to protect your children could get HARD. There are recent reports that say the D225G/N MUTATION is more of a problem. The D225G/N strain is blinking “WARNING!” It is showing up in large numbers of severe/fatal swine flu cases. This means that if you/children catch the germ, you could have big problems. You must decide whether your children’s symptoms are the cold vs. the flu. If they are signs of a cold, no big deal, they will live. A cold is a mild form of the flu. However, if they have the flu, you must contact a doctor FAST. Especially if they have underlying health problems or in a high-risk group like below:
Flu vs. Cold vs. Children:
1. Children under 5 years old, especially children under 2 years
2. Have Asthma
3. Have Diabetes
4. Are Pregnant
5. Have Cardiovascular disease
6. Have a Suppressed immune system
7. Have Neurological disorders
8. Have Kidney problems
9. Are Obese children
These problems put them in the high-risk group. You must be very careful that they and nobody else brings the germ home. If they catch the swine flu, it could mean life or death. Whenever if the H1N1 returns, you need to watch your children like a hawk. “TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE” because to have the best chance of a mild case, treatment must start treatment within 48 hours of symptoms. Doctors will need to use an antiviral drug like Tamiflu/Relenza.
You need to make up a plan of attack. All of a sudden, you see your child has symptoms. Start questioning them to find more symptoms. Some of the symptoms of the cold vs. flu are similar so you must go into detail to find out which one they have.
You do not have any time to WASTE. You must know what doctors, hospitals, emergency care, or clinics will be able to help you. That includes there location, phone numbers and how you are going to get them there. Do this now. Do not wait and try this under stress. Most people including your children who catch the flu will have mild symptoms. However, a small % of the people could catch this new strain and could have severe/fatal problems.
The Numbers Show A Strong RISK.
Reports from Norway/Ukraine showed the following:
1. A recent report from Norway shows 33% of the people who died of H1N1 had the D225G/N strain.
2. People who died of H1N1 in the Ukraine had a HUGE 73% OF THE D225G/N strain.
3. In addition, the 1918 Spanish flu victims had 40% of the D225G strain in their lung samples. This flu outbreak was the worst flu outbreak ever. There were up to 50-100 million people who died.
It seems like the germ might pick this strain to have a bigger piece of the H1N1 pie. The strain causes the flu shot/Tamiflu to fail. This means the flu shot and Tamiflu could become useless. Doctors would then rely on Relenza to treat their patients. If your child takes one of these drugs within 48 hours, they might have mild symptoms. You must watch them closely for signs of the flu.
The H1N1 Virus Now Is the Seasonal Flu!
It has pushed the normal flu H2N3 out the door. The H1N1 flu (swine flu) spread so fast/far that it has displaced the seasonal flu. From now on when I say the flu, I mean the swine flu.
There is a problem with this equation.
Usually, the normal flu is somewhat mild. That is due to people catching it before. They have some immunity. However, the H1N1 is still changing. The WHO says that three hundred million people got the flu shot. Also it spread to maybe 15% of the populace. However, there are 6.8 billion people on earth many with no contact with it at all. This leaves the door open for it to come back in a BIG WAY. It is nowhere near its peak now.
The flu will eventually peak then become milder as our immune systems get used to it. Everyone will catch it eventually. However, you want to catch it when it gets mild. That will occur in the late stages. For now, look for the next wave to be more of a challenge.
Again, you must keep a close eye on your children. This would mean the whole time the flu is in your area. You would be looking for any signs of flu vs, cold vs. children. Go to the Google Flu Trends Map. They have maps that cover 121 cities in the United States and the world. These maps will give you an idea about the intensity of the flu in your area.
The bottom line is how much will D225G/N show up as a % of the H1N1. It is clear to me/other people who track the pandemic, that it will be more lethal when it comes back.Therefore, we all must be ready to stop on a dime. And focus on what we need to do to protect our children vs. the flu. Read this post on preparing please click here.
The Cold vs. Flu vs. Children
Bang you are coughing. Your first thought is you have the flu. We cannot help from thinking the worst. At least in the beginning your mind will race. However, the more you know about the symptoms, the more confident you will be. You should be able to gauge whether your children have the flu or the cold. You want to become the EXPERT about the flu and cold symptoms. You need to know which one means what. This will help you worry less. It will also, let you know when you need to quickly call/seek help. You must be the expert because with the flu “TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE,” I cannot over stress this. Your children must get the antiviral drugs within 48 hours of symptoms starting. If not the drugs may not work.
Cold: is a mild form of the flu. People catch s cold up to 7/8 times a year. It could last up to a couple of weeks. Symptoms are running nose usually clear at the start. The mucous could change to dark thick green/yellowish. All symptoms are relative mild including a cough, sore throat. Of course, it is easy to call the symptoms mild when they happen to someone else.
Bacterial infections:
I bet you felt sick before thinking it was a cold or the flu. However, it turned out to be a bacterial infection. Doctors use antibiotics to cure it. They do not work on flu or cold. Sometimes a doctor will prescribe them. That is because some infections are hard to find. Check your child/self for swollen areas where the coloring is not right. You will be looking for:
1. Cuts
2. Swollen areas in the mouth and feet
3. Healing wounds4. Ingrown toe nails
Sometimes you will not be able to find it.
A severe flu outbreak changes the rules. Some people who normally have good hygiene habits will catch the germ. Some people are now complacent. The flu is lulling everyone to sleep. Our nature is to respond to threats ASAP. However, when threats go away, we forget they ever where here. I think that patterned is part of our makeup. We have short memories when it comes to certain things. Especially, if that threat leaves for a while not staring us in the face daily.
A pandemic flu comes and goes whenever it wants. It will show a new face each time it comes on the scene.
Children Cold or Flu Symptoms Treatment:
You cannot cure a cold. Your best course is to use medicine to ease symptoms. Your child will have to live with it until it leaves. You can treat the cold by giving/doing the following:
1. Have your children drink many fluids
2. Make sure they get a lot of sleep/rest
3. Use Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen (use the ones made for children when you should) make sure to read the labels
4. Use a nasal corm to clean clogged noses (very young children)
Look for these Danger Signs while Keeping an EYE on your children.
If children or teen’s show signs of the flu, do not give them aspirin. It could raise the chance of Reye’s syndrome. This could cause severe liver/ brain damage in rare cases. It normally affects children under 18.

If you see one or more of these warning signs, Call 911/seek emergency care ASAP.
The CDC advises that the best cure for the flu is the flu shot. They think all children over 6 months old can safely get a flu shot. Children that are over 2 years old can safely use a nasal spray. Except if they have breathing problems or asthma.
1. The fever does not get better after taking the Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen. (make sure you give the right dose. Follow what it says on the label. The fever should not last more than 3 to 4 days.
2. They have a seizure
3. After they get sick for a time, it gets worst
4. The child does not act normal
A. the child has trouble breathing. This is the most important. The swine flu connects deep in the lungs. It could cause a cytokine storm, which is very serious.
B. child does not cry as usual
C. child seems lazy or tired
D. child will not look you in the eyes
If your children get cold vs. flu symptoms, use the information below to help you decide.
The best way to know in general if it is the cold or the flu is how mild it is. If the sick child symptoms are extreme, it is probably the flu. But, what seems bad for one person is nothing for another. However, use how sick they are as the first sign.
Choose the one with the most right symptoms.
If your child wants to eat, it could be a cold
If your child does not want to eat could be the flu
This Sneezing
This is not reliable people with the cold sneeze more
Please cover your mouth with your upper sleeve before sneezing
Sore Throat
A cold and a sore throat are common
The flu normally does not cause a sore
The cold does not usually cause a headaches
If you have a headache, the flu may have caused it
fever is not a common cold sign
A fever with no infection, is a common flu sign
chills normally are not a sign of a person with a cold
Chills and the flu are common
Aches and Pains
Minor pains and aches are common for a cold
If you have sudden severe aches and pains not accounted for, you probably have the flu
How fast it progresses
A cold could take few days to grow. As soon as symptoms begin, write down the time and date. If it takes it’s time to get serious, it’s most likely a cold.
How long for symptoms to show
From the time, you first feel a symptom coming on make sure to record the date and time. If you are seriously ill in a few hours, there is a good chance you have the flu
Tired Feeling
If you feel mildly tired, that is a sign of a cold
severely tired is a flu sign.
Hacking with a lot of mucus is a cold sign
Coughing with very little mucus or a dry cough is a flu sign
Clogged Nose
clogged nose unless you have an allergy is a cold sign
Clogged noises do not mean a flu but running noises could
Chest pains
A cold has mild chest pains
The flu could have more severe chest pains
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