Pregnant moms with H1N1 BY FAR have the highest chance of all HIGH-RISK groups of needing hospital help. A new report by the CDC shows the numbers below:

The graph above is a bit misleading for my point. It shows asthma at 30% and diabetes at 23% that lead the list. But, they both have a populace in the US of about 7% each. Asthma people are about 4.3 times, over what you would expect for the populace. And the diabetes people are about 3.3 times over.
Pregnant moms are truly the MOST AT RISK due to only 1% of the populace but have 9% of the cases. This means that they are 9 times, over what you would expect. The CDC made a study of 266 deaths from the H1N1 in California. There were 15 pregnant moms or 6%. But they are only 1% of the populace in the US. Their death rate was six times more than what their populace shows.
Pregnancy is tough on mom’s body. It puts a large amount of stress on her immune system. A weak immune system makes it easier for flu illness. She will have more blood in her system. Also, there will be more stress on her kidneys/heart/lungs. On top of that, the little one is draining her of vital nutrients. She is more likely to catch the germ due to the demands on her body. And she increases the chance of having severe/deadly problems. These problems include pneumonia. Also, pregnancy concerns like premature labor/miscarriage/and others. Pregnant woman should avoid the swine flu.
This was the case before the D225G/N mutation started popping up all over the world. Now, this strain makes things much more unsafe. The D225G connects deeper in the lungs. It causes the lung tissue to swell/flood with blood. This makes it hard to breathe. Pregnant women have a natural breathing problem. Their diaphragm rises up limiting her airflow. Add inflamed tissue/blood in the lung area to make a deadly mix. This could easily cause a higher rate of severe/deadly cases.
A study of the 1918 pandemic showed half the pregnant women got pneumonia. And half of them died. Those numbers are unacceptable no matter how you look at it. The problem is the D225G change was a problem then. Even during a mild pandemic in 1957. There was the same kind of heavy toll on pregnant women.
If you are pregnant and think you have the H1N1 (swine flu), get help fast. It is very important that you see/talk to a doctor fast. Your life may depend on a few hours here or there. The term “TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE” is correct.
The CDC reports that only about half of pregnant women with the swine flu get treatment with antiviral medicine within 48 hours. Patients must take antiviral medicine like Tamiflu within 48 hours from symptoms to work properly.
Swine flu symptoms are similar to the seasonal flu. If you have the H1N1, flu signs below call your doctor:
Problem Breathing
This may be the most important sign. Call your doctor FAST.
Speed of Development
From the time, you feel a symptom coming on make sure to record the date and time. If you are ill in a few hours, you probably have flu.
Sore throat
Chest discomfort
Coughing with very little mucus or dry cough
Clogged Nose
Clogged noses are not usually associated with the flu. However running noses are a common sign of the flu.
Very Tired Feeling
Aches and Pains
The D225G/N is not a key problem now. But the swine flu is under stress. It has spread around the world faster than all other flu outbreaks. 15 to 20% of the world may be immune due to the first two waves of H1N1. Also, up to 700 million people have immunity through the swine flu shot. People need to keep catching the flu for the germ to live.
Because it has infected up to a billion people it knows what works/what does not work as follows:
1. It needs to mutate enough so that it will keep spreading.
a. It can do this by increasing its infection rate.
1. This has already happened in Romania. The infection rate for the swine flu went from 15 to 20% to 25%.
2. It can help itself by changing so that the vaccine will not work.
1. This is happening a lot with the D225G/N strain showing a low reactor to the vaccine. A newer strain called the G158E is also showing a low reactor to the vaccine. This means that the vaccine will probably not work against it. For more information go to recombinomics.
2. This would also mean that people might catch the new strain who had the swine flu before.
3. The virus could help its chances by becoming resistant to our antiviral medicine.
1. The D225G/N shows it can cause our main antiviral drug Tamiflu to be less useful.
The bottom line is Mother Nature still has the lead. Our State of Art Science is still a few steps behind. The germ can mutate at the drop of a hat. We cannot change our vaccine course at the drop of that hat.
The D225G strain is close to 100% lethal. However, it is a small % of the swine flu pie. I believe natural selection will increase its % of the pie as it evolves.
Do not panic the swine flu in general should be mild to most people. However, people who catch the new strains could have severe/deadly problems. I see 95% of people who catch the H1N1 flu (swine) having mild symptoms.
Get a free Avoid the Swine Flu Manual. Call 719-237-1167. It is a 165 pages interactive and multimedia e-Book manual. It is the quick/easy to learn.
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