Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Flu stop explains how to stop the bird flu with a self-imposed quarantine but it will not be easy!

Flustop’s primary goal is to help people to understand, and realistically prepare to stop a pandemic bird flu’s negative grip it will have on the world.
The pandemic will not only affect our health, there will be millions of casualties, but it will also affect our pocket book. I will not sugarcoat the situation and I will give it to you right between the eyes both good and bad.

First, let’s get something straight. You can stop the flu by staying away from it. The Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918 taught us many good lessons. For example, we know that all the air will not be contaminated and it will not be everywhere all at once. The easiest way to catch it will be around other people and crowds.

People who caught the virus can infect other people the second to the sixth day after they were infected. Also, we found out that isolation works. The New York State Training School for Girls had quarantined itself, and even required delivery people to leave supplies outside the building. It did not have any cases at all. In addition, another academy in upstate New York, the Trudeau Sanatorium had similar rules and it had no cases. There was also a naval facility in San Francisco on an island, which had a rigid quarantine. It too had no cases.

The entire continent of Australia escaped the influenza. They did this because they enforced very strict quarantine rules. However, by late December 1918 a ship carrying ninety ill soldiers arrived. They too were under quarantine but historians believe medical personnel treating troops passed the virus. Quarantines must be ruthlessly strict to be effective.

OK, great all I need to do is stock up on my food and water reserves for a few weeks, goes in a strict self-imposed quarantine and bang I’ve dodged the bullet. No, I wish it were so easy. The problem is the CDC, Center for Disease Control, states that a severe pandemic could last for 18 months or more with up to four waves of intense influenza activity lasting six to eight weeks separated by relative calm.

RELATIVE CALM means people still could get sick sporadically, but not in the huge numbers that could overwhelm all services. So, you can still get sick when the authorities say it is ok to go into the public and work. In addition, no one can accurately predict when the next wave will hit.

As stated above, people who catch the virus can infect other people the second to the sixth day after they get it. Many of the people will not show any signs of infection. If you are out in the public, you could catch it at anytime. The good part is you can lower your chances of infection greatly by learning and following a series of safety routines and techniques.

Only a few people or families will be able to afford staying in a ruthless self-imposed quarantine for up to two years. Those people will have many challenges themselves just staying locked up in a house for that long. They would however, very likely STOP THE FLU!

You know a quarantine works but there is no way you can afford not working for more than a few weeks at a time. What can you do to lower the chances of you and your family catching the flu? In a nutshell, that’s why I wrote the free flu stop survival and prospering guide so that you can answer this question. It shows you how to survive and prosper a bird flu pandemic. Go ahead and download the flu stop survival guide free right here and right now!

Obviously, the more people who go out in pubic to work, the greater the chance that someone will catch the virus. The authorities suggest that you stay at home only during the peak influenza period. When the influenza activity slows down, then it will be ok for the kids to go back to school and everyone else could go back to doing their usual activities.

You do this and you are really playing with FIRE and no water. Remember, during the time in between intense influenza activity, the virus would still be out their causing people to get sick sporadically. Also, it could recur without no one noticing until the doctors all of a sudden notice a spike of sick people in the hospital. That means it could have been back for a number of days infecting thousands of people before a warning would get out.

I propose that only one person in the family the bread-winner go out to work and get supplies while the others stay in the quarantine. This person should follow strict safety procedures, not attend any activities where large groups would gather, eat only the food brought from the quarantine, etc. There is a lot more on this subject in the free guide.

Another big question to answer is, will your current job still be around and prospering when the flu hits the FAN? While the pandemic will close many avenues of income production, it will also open other possibilities. It is important that you use your imagination and consider along with a few suggestions things you can do to maintain and even improve your financial position. Remember the government believes the pandemic could last for 18 months or more. The Spanish Flu pandemic lasted for two years.

Consider products and services people will need during and between waves of Influenza activity that you can provide on a local, national or international level. Also, consider investments that you can make that will create money for you during and after this period. Yes, mass confusion will control the world. Restaurants, movie theaters, sporting events, schools and anywhere where people gather in mass will close. Of course, all forms of mass travel will stop temporally and then start back up during the lull in the influenza activity.

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