Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Young Children, Pregnant Women, Heart Disease, Diabetes/Diabetics, Asthma/Asthmatics, Obese/Obesity, vs. cold prevention or/and flu prevention before it starts free manual/guide. You will have to FIGHT to prevent catching the flu or/and cold. Get a FREE interactive/multimedia 165 pages flu prevention and/or cold prevention E-Book Manual/Guide. Call 719-237-1167.

Cold prevention or/and flu prevention makes YOU/the germ the ENEMY!

Wait I am the prey of the flu. It attacks me how can I be the bad one. What I mean by YOU ARE THE ENEMY is you must change your way of life. You must change those things that help you catch the flu. If you do not, your old habits could doom you.
At-risk/high-risk groups like these:
1. Young Children
2. Pregnant Women/Pregnancy
3. Heart Disease
4. Diabetes/Diabetics
5. Asthma/Asthmatics
6. Obese/Obesity
7. More plus everyone else will need to fight themselves. 

Young children less than 5 and mainly under two
The flu is strong in England now. Young children less than 5 have the flu more than all other groups. 

Sick children have a hard time getting ICU beds in the UK now. Dr Kevin Morris, of the Pediatric Intensive Care Society, said, “We are virtually in a situation where there isn’t a single pediatric intensive care bed left in the country. This is the worst crisis within living memory.” Click here for more facts.

 Children are at-risk!
A Child immune system is weak. It has not seen much let alone flu that some 40 have ever seen.

Pregnancy/Pregnant women
A study showed that pregnant women in the third semester when the flu is here could cause big trouble. They might need to go to the hospital for heart/lung problems. Just like women who were not pregnant but with serious medical problems.

Obesity/the Obese
Experts show the obese are at-risk of severe flu. Those with a body mass index/BMI of 40/more had three times more chance to die of swine flu.Out of 534 patients, half of them were obese. 92 of those died 61% of those had BMIs of 30/more. And, 30% had BMIs of 40/more. Click here for more facts.
If you have heart disease vs. flu, you have more risk of problems. They include:

1. Pneumonia
2. Respiratory failure
3. Heart attack
4. Death
5. Dehydration
6. And worse pre-existing conditions such as:
A. Heart failure, diabetes or asthma

When an intense swine flu wave gets here, it will be like a war. You must fight your habits. You are a HUGE foe. Your whole life, you have been doing core things a certain way. Your body will fight you like a wild animal to keep on doing things “MY WAY”. Do not under estimate your habits. They will fight you tooth/nail. 

Your other foe is the germ. It is very small you cannot SEE, HEAR, SMELL, or FEEL it. How in the world are you going to prevent from catching the flu? The answer is:
1. Get a flu shot ASAP
2. Learn as much about flu and or cold prevention as possible
3. Practice good cold/flu prevention skills daily

Do not think that doing a few general things will prevent the cold and/or flu. You must respect detail. If you do not cover the details, you will leave openings for the germ.

No one will break a core habit unless forced to do so. Why is it so hard to break a habit? Because, they save us time it lets us do things without thinking. That is why we hate CHANGE. Change forces us to re-learn things. We must NEED to break a habit. Wanting to live is a strong reason to change.

Do not think that because you know something you will do the right thing. Many people know that smoking/drinking/gambling/drugs are bad for them. However, they still do them.

There are bullies out there who will want you to do things their way.They will insist that your/their old way is the best way. You must stand up and take charge.
People will expect things from you. However, you must control what you do. Notice a few habits that you need to break:
1. Shaking hands with others

This is a hard habit to break. People will expect you to do this unless you take charge. Stick your elbow out and say “it is the flu season” that is all you have to say. Refuse to shake their hand. If they do not do what you want, do not shake their hand. People cough/sneeze on their hands all day. Many sick people will have the germ crawling on their hands all day.

2. Do not hug or come within 5 feet of sick people. Or keep people in general 5 feet from you during an intense flu wave. And that includes close friends/family. If you are not ready, they could put you in a bear hug in no time. Tell them “we must stay at least five feet apart/face the same way“. “If one of us has to cough/sneeze, make sure to look away from each other“. “Then I will have to leave, how are you.”

1. After the germ peaks in England/Europe it most likely will still get more severe. It will do this to survive. The flu season in the north part of the world has just started. Its prime goal is to copy itself as much as it can. It will try to infect as many people as possible. A high infection rate combined with a high fatality rate made the 1918 flu the worst in history. Germs evolve with the aid of passage. Passage is the process of infecting humans. The more passage exists, the more the germ will be able to learn about how to infect/copy self in us. This could lead to it getting more potent.
2. Not everyone will catch the flu. Our goal is to lower your chance of catching it.
3. There are many things in this world that link. Washing your hands, the right way has many links. Such as:
A. When should you wash your hands? You should not wash your hands 100 times a day. The guide tells when to wash.
B. Do you as a rule wash/rinse your hands for 5 seconds? That is what you are going to do. Unless you fight that, habit and wash for 30 sec/rinse for 30 sec. This will not be easy unless you are prepared to master things you need to do to prevent the cold and or flu.

You Must Respect The Swine Flu This Season!
Or a lot will die for no cause.

There are two main ways for the flu to change to live on. One is through reassortment, were one germ mixes with one more germ to form an evolved germ. This can happen fast/it could take a year/more. The other way is through recombination. This way can cause fast changes in a germ in a short time. It could cause the germ to infect more. In India during their monsoon season this year, the swine flu’s infection rate jumped from 10/15% to 40%. This caused an alert by the (NIV).

Up to date test from Asia show the spread of strains seen in Australia. They show that strains of H1N1 flu are quickly changing through recombination. These changes form strains that are harsh/deadly cases in England. Click here for more facts. If you blend these new strains with a surge in the infection rate, it could get mean.

Some news media will only tell you about up to date events, keeping you a step behind. The best way to predict what a pandemic flu will do is to look at its history. It is like throwing a football at a runner. You throw the ball to where the runner will be not where they were. People were talking about how mild it was at the start. There are signs that point to the flu getting worse. I think the main sign is the swine flu is 95% + the same as the 1918 flu. 

The swine flu has the best pedigree. The 1918 is the parent. Archie Manning was a very good football player on a bad team. His two sons Peyton/Eli Manning are each Super Bowl Champions. Do you think that was by chance? 

If 95%+ of Muhammad Ali in his prime was fighting today, do you think he would be the world champion? Yes! The swine flu is a unique germ. It likely will evolve to a high peak. The virus loves cold weather. This January in the USA should be the coldest in last 26 years. Click here for facts. The virus will fight for its life. And it has shown it will not die without a fight. The germ will challenge us all. 

Get a FREE interactive/multimedia 165 pages flu prevention and/or cold prevention before it starts E-Book Manual/Guide. Call 719-237-1167.

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